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How To Be Stylishly Spooky This Halloween

13 Oct 2017, 5:42 PM

It's nearly that time of the year where every child (and adult) goes that extra mile when it comes to their Halloween costume, a spooky party and most importantly, their home décor.

Whether you're a simple pumpkin soul or an all-out freaky fanatic, take a look at our ultimate guide to a spooky haunted house!

The Colour Scheme

Everyone knows that a Halloween colour scheme is orange and black, but how can you make your home stylish yet spooky at the same time?

For an all out spooky yet stylish Halloween party, stick to these top tips. Our advice to you is, stick to white, black, orange and brown. The leaves are changing and the nights are getting darker, so choosing black as your exterior colour scheme is a no-go. Alternatively choose white, white will stand out in the dark and ensure your house stands out from the rest. Orange is also a great colour for the outside, not to dark yet not bright enough to diminish the white accessories. For the interior colour scheme, a range of colours are perfect as long as you decorate them properly. Introduce brown furniture, with black, white and orange accessories.

Indoor Lighting

Be creative when it comes to your indoor lighting, the right lighting will allow you to create an alluring ambience, this will work wonders for your Halloween party. Although lighting is absolutely necessary during these particularly dark nights, try to dim as much as possible, perhaps introduce more lights but keeping them soft. Additionally, to create a spectacular spooky vibe you can introduce the likes of lanterns rather than having a ceiling light on. Experimenting with lighting is a very important aspect when it comes to a perfect Halloween home décor, you can also introduce tall candles throughout the house just to add to that spooky atmosphere. However, be aware and keep them high and out of the way from the inevitable dancing zombies.

Dressing The Furniture

The furniture in your home is also a very important aspect to consider, plank furniture looks spectacular throughout each and every season but more so incredibly unique at Halloween. It is extremely important that you decorate your dining room furniture in good order rather than draping anything and everything over them. This season, a rustic dining table is an absolute must. Not only do they fit the part for Halloween but they also suit each and every season. Alternatively, when it comes to living room furniture, vintage sofas are great for giving off that “old, rustic and haunted” feeling. However, these aren't the type of sofas you only want to implement for the Halloween period, these are all-year round specials. Vintage sofas can really add a spark of character into your home, so invest!

Accessories Throughout

One of the most crucial accessories this Halloween is a “Haunted Mirror”. Introducing home and furniture accessories can be what makes or breaks your stylishly spooky house and any time of the year at that matter. Mirrors, lamps, clocks and an increasing trend this season, chalk paint can really add a personal touch and a sense of character into your home. Any of these accessories can be dressed up – or down in typical Halloween colours, mirrors can be sprayed to give off that antique look or you can introduce a new antique lamp.

To achieve that ultimate Halloween look, opt for rustic furniture and accessories. To view a full range of dining room, living room, bedroom and office furniture visit our website. At home and furniture we specialise in hand made furniture to suite your own specifications.

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